I sat and shat and read my John Stuart
Mill and read that he said that Monsieur
Aurelius was a nice man in myriad ways
Despite his attempt to keep Christians from
Permeating his neighbourhoods. What may
Seem now a crudeness was only a good man
In the vital ways that transcend those
Ethos usually ushered in by a new calendar.
It makes sense to me while I sit and shit.
Cold porcelain is never friendly to
The back of warm thighs. But it may
Aid in the ushering in of new thoughts.
It has its utility in thoughts not to mention
Those indispensable non-thoughts from the
Other end. What is my utility now beyond
The mere excretion which I only vaguely control?
Would it be a mistake in category
To say I have shit in my brains? The crudeness
May be in the leaving it there. The usefulness
Of it all may now be twofold; double
Relief can work as one. I will lay the book at
Bath's edge, thankful for it’s use, and proceed
To relieve myself of wasteful thoughts. I will
Be the throned philosopher-king as I sit and shit.