Thursday, January 30, 2014

Wigged Ghosts

When tabled candle lights flicker like the
Misty moths that flit with and glass and dish
Fall to ground in a clarion crash, a
Cymbal-ic clash of echoic sound
Travailing thick night air, a ringing call as
A sign of no recourse but to blame for
It all the portly ghost of Benjamin
Franklin, is when one has no choice but to take
Another drink.

And the drink sits on the table, a wooded
Piece of scarred flesh as thick as centuries.
And the flickering light dances in and out
Of carved grooves in the wood, etched laments of
Lover’s compelled to scratch a pocket-knifed
Remark of the heart’s commitment for the
Alcoholic haze of ages. Among it all, the
Table, light, and the din of Franklin’s toppling
Of a dish the beer sits, black as nights, heady white,
In a summer sweated chill; in a puddle
Of his own piss.

And the lady wench, resigned, game, forced to
Dress in the times for a tip, tells you it’s
One of the General’s own concoctions.
News like this will force the mind to travail
Through time and steal away to another hour
And place; to a house upon a mount where, in
Some corner desk, the elixired recipe
Written in quilled ink the colour of the
Quaff sits among

The scribbled thoughts on men and freedom and
The occasional slave bill of sale; piled
Below sweetly aged, archaic, yellowed
Parchment, a recipe for beer. But the
Heat of the moment hazes the vision and
Causes the words to seep, to melt off the
Page in an infinite black river and meet
In the moment to what is the mouth of your
Specialty brew.

Outside, cobbled streets echo the footsteps
Of modern souls. A misty fog silently
Rises and congregates, as dense as
A swarm of lethargic angels, to envelop
An antiquated street lamp whose light shivers
With the power of electric currents keeping
The fog at bay. Above it all, tiny
Lights in the sky blindly blink on a
City of brothers; infinite mothers
Of kite and key.

Oh! George, might you laugh! Might you whistle through
Wood! Would you crease the corners of your mouth,
Slap a knickered knee and throw your head back
with a snort to know we tip the girl with
Pictures of you?

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